In other big news, I managed to find myself in Preterm Labor last week and ended up in the hospital for 3 days. They got my contractions under control, finally, and I'm home on bedrest now. Actually, it's more like couchrest. I'm allowed to go up and down the stairs once a day, make my food, go to the bathroom, but other than that I'm on my back - which is likely how I got in this position in the first place! HA!
I had a doctor's appointment today and found that I'm still 2cm dialated and 50% effaced, but the baby's head is "right there" according to my doc. This means I'm probably going soon, although we don't know when. I was given steroid shots in the hospital to help mature the baby's lungs so if it is born early he or she will be okay. I'm terrified to have an early baby because I don't want it to have to be in the NICU, but I'll take whatever God throws my way.
That's it for now. I'll keep posting as much as I can so I can remember these days down the line. Baby Coppo will be here soon...

33 weeks 3 days