Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Edward Coppo – “HaHa”

December 2, 1913 – September 18, 2006


We just returned to VA from a long, short weekend in Michigan.  We left unexpectedly last week because HaHa (Patrick’s grandpa) had been checked into hospice and they didn’t expect him to live much longer.  We drove to Baltimore on Wednesday after work, flew to Detroit Friday morning, and then drove 10 hours up to Houghton after we arrived.  It was a rough trip all the way around, with us returning on Sunday night.  We were able to see all of Patrick’s extended family while we were there, so that was a plus, but having to see Haha in his current condition was heart-wrenching to say the least.  He had withered away to 95 pounds and was in terrible pain from the cancer in his lower extremities.  I tried so hard to be strong for Patrick while we were visiting him, but broke down many times and had to excuse myself to cry in the hall.  It’s excruciating to have to see your loved one in so much pain, and you honestly pray that the Lord will take them soon so they no longer have to suffer.


HaHa did remember Patrick at one point after waking from one of his frequent morphine induced naps.  He saw him standing there and said “Patrick?” and Patrick went immediately to his side.  He asked if Patrick was still in school, and Patrick reminded him that he was in the military.  HaHa then went on to say how much he liked to fish and watch hockey, baseball and football.  Patrick brought up the Tigers and they talked managers for a few minutes.  It seemed for that moment the dementia and Alzheimer’s hadn’t affected his memory.  He fell back asleep, and woke up later and asked about Jim (Patrick’s Dad).  He didn’t remember then that Jim had died, but when we reminded him, he seemed to understand, asking “About three years ago, right?”  All we could say was yes – even though it was 12.


We left after a short while because the hospice nurse came by to do her job, and Patrick decided he didn’t want to go back later that day because he had left HaHa on a good note, and he was afraid to go back in case he was worse.  I can’t say I blame him.


We were informed this morning that he passed last night very peacefully.  I am glad his suffering is over and that he is at peace.  He’s up there with Noni, Jim and Uncle Patrick now, with both his legs in full use, and he’s enjoying his family.  Heaven has another angel with HaHa, and I know he is enjoying his time up there.

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