Saturday, October 22, 2005

Not meant to be...

We found out this afternoon that another family's offer was accepted over ours for the house. We ended up being one of seven offers and were in the top two today. The other family offered more "guarantee over appraisal" than we did by $1200. I was not willing to make us scrape by and personally find the whole thing unfair. We offered MORE than asking price and then had to offer CASH to the seller on top of that. We could have said more than we did but it would have meant bread and water for the next 4 months and I wasn't willing to do that.

Despite saying I wouldn't be upset, I am. Being the eternal pessimest has never failed me before and it has always protected my heart from major breakage. I should never have gotten my hopes up because now I feel like we'll never find another home like it. Oh well...we march on. Maybe to our own home, maybe to a rental home...who knows. All I know is that I don't think my heart (or my nervous stomach) can take this again.

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