Monday, July 18, 2005

Holy Humidity, Batman...

Gotta love living in the "South". All weekend the temperatures were in the 105+ range with the humidity. The second you walk outside you're covered in sweat. I'm trying so hard not to complain, but really, it's damn hot out there. It's going to be another hot one again today, and Patrick has a softball game tonight. My water bill is going to skyrocket since we have to take 2 showers a day now!

This weekend was fun and relaxing. We rode the rides at Busch Gardens on Friday night, and Patrick made me ride in the front on every ride but "Apollo's Charriot". I screamed like a little bitch, too. I'll never admit it to him, but it was kind of fun even though it was terrifying! Saturday we were at Water Country again. I *love* that place. Who needs the beach when you've got the lazy river and the wave pool! After that, we were in White Stone for dinner with Ryan and Shannon, and I got to hold McKynzi for the first time. Good GOD, I love that baby! She is so sweet, and hugable. She just lit up when Patrick held her, too. Had to get through some BAD t-stroms to get there though. I love a t-storm, but these were crazy!

Tanya called on Saturday to tell me that Shane reported to them that Becky told him I called her and yelled at her for an hour the other night. (Sounds JUST like high school, right?). I felt like I had to defend myself because that is NOT what happened. I called Shane right away and told him I knew I didn't need to explain myself but that I didn't yell at Becky until she commented that WE had dropped her and that HE joined in on the party. I told him exactly how I felt, too. I told him that she is cold and uncaring and she's different than she was. I told him that I didn't want to be friends with this person because she just didn't care. He was fine with the situation and said that I had a realtionship with her outside of them, so it was my right to talk to her and find out what was going on. I just hope I didn't cause him any more strife than necessary.

On to work...another wonderful week ahead. (Insert sarcasm here).

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