Monday, July 25, 2005

The Weight Watchers...

Is it Monday already? I wish that the weekends went by as slow as the work week does, because there never seems to be enough time to recouperate for the next work week.

After another relaxing day at Water Country, we came home and BBQ'ed steaks and made a great salad for dinner. I am so proud of Patrick and the choices he's making food wise. I knew once I got him hooked on WW he'd never be the same. To hear him come out with, "Well, we could just grill the steak and split it over a salad" was enough to knock me off my rocker. Steak was the man's weakness, his Kryptonite, but now he knows it's not healthy to eat a whole one twice a week! :) His 24 pound weight loss since getting here is so admirable. I couldn't be more proud. All I wanted in this world was for him to take better care of himself, especially because he even admitted to me that he was following the pattern his own father set and I REFUSE to be a young widow like his mother when there's something we can do to help prevent it.

After weigh in on Thursday, I am OFFICIALLY down 50 pounds since 4 years ago and now the lowest weight I've been since high school. It must be the humidity down here, cause I haven't even been trying to lose and I have lost 6 pounds in just a few weeks. Now, if I could drag my lazy ass out of bed and get back to the gym I'd be ecstatic, but we can't always do it all, right?

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