Jenny was a fun, vibrant, intelligent and stubborn person. She loved kids, even though she couldn't have her own, and would get down on the floor and play with the ones who came to visit work. She was so full of life. She loved to shop, and we would often talk of our addiction to being "Product Whores" because we had to try EVERYTHING on the shelves. Something to make our hair more full, the newest foundation to even out skin tone, the latest lotion with the shimmer to enhance your summer tan...we always tried new stuff and would let the other one in on the action.

I will never forget the day she died and how I found out. All alone in the office, covering the phones for Jess while she was at lunch, and Mr. Zimmerman called to speak to one of the bosses. After discovering no one was in, he said "Do you all know that Jenny Miller died this morning?" and of course we didn't. I was the first to find out and I had a wave of panic over me that I hadn't felt since I found out Dad died. Just then, Jimmy and Alex came in and pulled me aside. Jenny had died that morning of a heart attack at 34.
I remember watching Ben at the funeral and praying for him, and then praying that I never felt what he was feeling at that moment. I couldn't control the tears as he said goodbye to his wife. That is something I never want to do. The thought alone terrifies me, and this man has actually lived it.
I will always remember Jenny for the funloving, tough as nails, smart person she was. I miss her all the time. Lunch was never the same after she was gone, and she left a hole in all of our hearts when she left.

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