Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I have come to the realization that I am quite possibly the most impatient person on the face of the planet.  I can't get through sitting at a red light to turn left (stupidest thing here in Virginia) without huffing and puffing at least once.  I can't get through standing in the "express" checkout line (and I use that term very loosely) without shifting my weight and rolling my eyes within the first 3 minutes.  I have resorted to swearing and gritting my teeth every time I'm stuck behind someone slow on the interstate.
I don't know how this condition came about, or how long I've been this way, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to fight it.  I think it began in New York where there was a two lane highway in and out of the Hamptons and the roads were cluttered with "citidiots" from May 1 - November 1 every year.  A normal hour drive to get to Wal-mart would span about two hours during those months.  Our favorite hometown delis and restaurants would be overpacked with rude city people who expected you to bow to them because of their vast wealth.  Working in Customer Service was enough to cause an ulcer (which it did) with the rude way people spoke to you. 
"Patience is a virtue" is how the old saying goes, but I think that virtue managed to pass me up.  Sometimes waiting is pure agony, other times its just an incovenience.  At this point in time it's agonizing to wait for anything. 
I wonder if there's a pill for this condition?  Seems as if there's a pill for everything these days...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Traditions

Yesterday, I received an email "survey" from Shannon where all of the questions were regarding the holidays.  I am one of those nerds who loves to fill them out and forward them on regardless of who likes them and who hates them, which is probably why the answer to everyone's "Who is most likely to respond?" is always "Leah". 
Nonetheless, I enjoyed this particular survey because it kicked my Christmas spirit in gear.  I listed my favorite tradition as us waking Mom and Dad up at the butt crack of dawn, and holding hands, eyes closed, to go out to our stockings.  However, when I read Mom's answers, I was reminded of the tradition that trumps my answer.  The tradition of Dad reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve.
I don't know how or when this tradition started, but every year after we left the Labadie gathering, we would all pile on Dad's lap in the Big Red Chair while he read the story of Santa's visit.  I never knew it during my childhood, but most every year during the reading, my father was tore up from the floor up.  We never noticed the slurred words or the mistakes in the story, it was enough for us kids to just be there in the moment enjoying family time.  There were years when Moe would stay with us and she'd be squeezed up there, too.  Even as the "little" kids got bigger, we'd all sit there, and Mom would pray that the arms of the chair would not break off.
During Christmas break in my first year of college was the first year we heard the story after Dad became sober.  He fought his demons earlier that year and quit drinking, and that was present enough for all of us.  I will never forget being 18 years old, in college, and anxiously waiting for him to read that story to us.  The story never changed from year to year, but that year was special.  He did his best "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!", and it was as sweet as music. 
A few years later, I was a married woman and the tradition continued on without me, until Dad passed away.  Being across the country, Patrick and I had to start our own Christmas Eve traditions which have included a romantic dinner at home prepared by Patrick (Chicken Marsala has been on the menu a few times)a bottle of champagne, and if he has anything to say about it, opening presents. 
Christmas at home will be hard this year because it will be my first at home, without my Daddy there.  It's been easy to *not* deal with the holidays and him being gone since we've not been around, but this year will be a hard one.  I will be surrounded by extended family and close friends, but nothing will fill the void of not having Christmas Eve readings on Daddy's lap. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Gosh, I'm a lucky girl to get to wake up next to him for the rest of my life. ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'll be home for the holidays

T-minus 4 days and counting...
Somewhere around 9 am Saturday morning we will be stuffed to the brim with luggage, making our merry way to D-town for Christmas.  Hopefully the sound of Christmas music will drown out the annoying whines of the dog, who can't stand to be in the back seat while we're up front.  If the weather holds out, we'll arrive in Hudson, OH Saturday evening to spend the night and pick up Grammy, and we'll arrive in good ol' Detroit on Sunday morning. 
Going home is always fun, but remarkably stressful at the same time.  Everyone expects you to come and see them, spend time with them, while you're there.  For years we've split up the minute we get into town so Patrick could spend time with his Mom and I could spend time with mine.  We thought, at the time, that this was the easiest way to deal with our situations...but we have found that to be wrong.  So, this time, we will be sticking together and trying to spend equal time with families and friends and it ain't gonna be easy.  We should have been doing this all along, but you live and you learn.  This is our vacation and holiday and I hate the fact that we always miss out on spending time with each other. 
On a lighter note, it turns out that Uncle Pat, Aunt Neil, Uncle Marty, Aunt Cheryl, Emily Jade and Ian Lawrence will be in town for Christmas this year, too, as well as Aunt Kathy, Uncle Tom, Bridget, Moe-Moe and Colleen.  It'll be the first time we'll be together in a very long time.  The only people who won't be there (that I know of) are Stick and Amy, and Tommy.  So, the Labadie clan will be in (almost) full force this year.  I'm beyond excited.
This trip should be fun, and I can't wait to see the look on Cameron's face when he opens his gifts! 

Monday, December 12, 2005

More pictures...

I love playing around with the photo editors...

Shop till ya drop...

Reposted - Monday December 12, 2005

Today turned out to be the best day I've had in quite a while.  With the stresses of the last month, miscarriage and moving included, I've felt rundown, sad and tired.  All of these are to be expected; however, nothing seemed to get my spirits up and keep them there. 
This morning, I took and passed the 3rd module in the Accredited Customer Service Representative designation I've been working towards.  The best part was that I passed it with a 90%!  I swore I was going to bomb this test, but apparently my study skills have improved since college -- that and I know my job better than I thought I did.  Two more tests and I'm designated!  :)
Then, to top the day off, we won the Travelers Sales promotion and each of us got $200 in gift cards to spend at the mall -- and two hours off to do it!  Talk about shopping till you drop!  My kicks were on fire, but I got a lot done.  I picked up gifts for Mom, Cameron, Sandy, Grandpa and Dora, McKynzi, Doug and Patrick.  I am a sales fiend!  Most of those are gifts I wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise, considering the fact that we're "move poor" right now.  There is NOTHING like free money and Christmas shopping.  I'm so excited, I may give Patrick his gifts early!
To end the night, we get to go have dinner with Roger and Tasha, and we get to see their beautiful kids -- newest included!  I've desperately needed a day like this, and feel like things will be turning up now. 
The best part is that there's only a week until I'm home - and almost all my cousins, aunts and uncles will be there!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More friends...

A few friends...

Coast Guard Party...more to come when the computer gets hooked up!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let the moving begin...

Today is December 1 - and it's our official move-in day!! We have been surrounded by boxes for weeks and today is the day they begin to vacate the premises. I have never been so excited to move myself. We are both going to need massages next week, but it'll be worth it.

I can't wait to get into the new place and make it a temporary "home". The only thing I don't like about it is the ugly wallpaper in the kitchen, but what can ya do?

Cody Coppo is ecstatic to have a least a small patch of backyard -- and his parents are super excited to not have to take him out 5x a day.

WOO HOO! Let's get this going!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


In a time when you need them most, friends always come through. I finally got to sit down and talk to Ava last night about everything that's happened recently. She suffered a miscarriage earlier this year and it was nice to know that what I'm feeling right now is normal. The good news is that she is now 4 months pregnant and doing a-okay, so that gives us some hope.

It's sad that we can relate to such a horrible experience, since I wouldn't wish this on even my worst enemy. Every day is a new day and while it still sucks to feel like this, time does heal the wounds. There are times during the day that I'll get lost in thought and need to shake myself out of it. I don't want to let this go, but I don't want to dwell on it either. I don't want to wake up 3 years from now and realize that I'm not over it and it's affected my whole life.

I know it's hard for someone who has never been pregnant to comprehend, but I felt an instant connection with that little life inside me. I would have done anything to protect it. Now, as Kim put it, that baby is up in heaven with our Dad's and they are giving it the best care imaginable. That's the image I'll keep in my heart to get me through this.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


It has taken me a while to sit down and be able to write this. I don't know why because writing is usually my release, my therapy, but somehow writing about this solidifies the fact that it's real. Even now I'm having a difficult time forming the words in my head.

There's no easy way to write it, or say it for that matter, and although it's been a week it's still hard to grasp. We went from total elation and tremendous joy to devastation -- and now there's emptiness. Last week, I lost our baby. I had a miscarriage that started after a traffic accident and completed itself last weekend. "Spontaneous Abortion" is the medical term and it's what the ER doctor kept calling it - but that term makes my skin crawl. The last thing you want to hear when you're coping with the loss of a pregnancy, under NO fault of your own, is that word. The word "abortion" is synonymous with teenage girls who aren't careful when they have sex and rush out after missing their period to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. This wasn't an unwanted pregnancy -- this child was loved even before it was conceived. This child had parents who cried with joy when they found out the news. This child had parents who planned for this time in their lives carefully. This child was no accident, it was the result of two people who love each other so deeply that they wanted to share their love with a person they created together.

I found out the news on Halloween of all days, and it was a day that Patrick was on duty. Actually, I had taken my first test the day before, but with my immense impatience I threw the test away after only seeing the Control line -- even though the test wasn't finished yet. 20 minutes later, in the trash, there was a 2nd line. I didn't want to let Patrick in on the possibility and decided to pick up another test on the way home from work the next day. So, there I was, alone on Halloween staring at the big fat positive on the test in front of me with tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks.

I ran out and got another brand of test to make sure the news was absolutely certain before I told Patrick. I knew he wanted to be surprised, and I had the plan concocted in my brain of how I was going to tell him and I didn't want to ruin it. The digital test I bought said "Not Pregnant" and I about fell on the floor. I panicked and spent the rest of the night wondering which one was right. The next morning, before work, I took 2 more tests and both said I was pregnant. Just for good measure, I took another test that night before meeting Patrick for dinner, and again it was positive. I only had once chance in my life to tell him I was pregnant for the first time and I didn't want to mess it up by being wrong.

I told him we were pregnant by getting him some presents as "motivation" for the advancement test he was taking two days later. The first was a box of POPtarts. The second was SugarBABIES and SugarDADDIES. The third was "Hop on POP" by Dr. Seuss. The fourth was an "I love my Daddy" bib rolled up with 3 of the tests inside. He had it at the candy, but knew for sure at the book. We both sat there in Cheeseburger in Paradise and cried and giggled like school kids. We had done it and we knew the next nine months would be agony as we waited to meet the little person we created.

However, the agony of impatience would soon turn into the agony of physical and emotional pain, as a week later I was rear ended on my way to work. I instantly thought of the baby and what could happen. I was told at the ER that I was too early to montior and if something is going to happen "it's going to happen". The very next day, I started spotting and ended up back in the ER. They called it a "Threatened Miscarriage" that night, but they had seen the gestational sac and sent me home to rest. The days dragged as we wondered what was happening with this little life inside as I kept spotting from Tuesday until Saturday. We kept hope that this was only a fluke and the pregnancy would last and I would be big and fat in July. On that Saturday, less than 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant, I was bleeding and cramping and ended back in the ER, where it was confirmed through tests and ultrasounds that I had, in fact, lost the baby.

The pain is tremendous. I thought at first that I would be able to brush this off and get back to life, but it's proving to be more difficult than I imagined. I can't go a few hours without thinking about how I should be having morning sickness and eating for two right now, but instead I sit here empty. We are both empty. Phsyically and emotionally.

Life will go on as it always does. The world does not stop turning because we are grief-stricken (a fact we both know all too well in our lives). We pick up and move on, but a part of us will forever be empty because of this loss.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Do you ever just wake up one day and realize that everything in life is great -- and a wave of calmness comes over you? It's a great should try it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Not meant to be...

We found out this afternoon that another family's offer was accepted over ours for the house. We ended up being one of seven offers and were in the top two today. The other family offered more "guarantee over appraisal" than we did by $1200. I was not willing to make us scrape by and personally find the whole thing unfair. We offered MORE than asking price and then had to offer CASH to the seller on top of that. We could have said more than we did but it would have meant bread and water for the next 4 months and I wasn't willing to do that.

Despite saying I wouldn't be upset, I am. Being the eternal pessimest has never failed me before and it has always protected my heart from major breakage. I should never have gotten my hopes up because now I feel like we'll never find another home like it. Oh well...we march on. Maybe to our own home, maybe to a rental home...who knows. All I know is that I don't think my heart (or my nervous stomach) can take this again.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dream House!

The listing popped up on our email Wednesday night and we barely thought twice about it. Both of us figured we were never going to find anything after striking out time after time. After being stood up (and lied to) for seeing a rental, we called our realtor to see if we could at least see the place even if we ended up not liking it.

As we pulled up to the townhouse, there were already 2 people waiting to look at the place ahead of us. Catherine, our realtor, came along and we waited patiently for our turn. As we stood there in the parking lot another gentleman pulled up and joined us in line. He was in the Air Force and was only looking for an investment property to rent out. He asked if we wanted the same from the home and we said "No, this is our first time buying a home." I felt a wave of nausea come over me when Catherine said this home already had two contracts on it.

Finally, our turn came to go in and I put my guard up just knowing I wouldn't like it. I immediately found out I was wrong. This was the home of our dreams. Catherdal ceilings in the great room, a fireplace with a cubby for the TV above it. Big picture windows, clean white walls. The dining room was the perfect size and it was next to an enormous kitchen with lots of counter space, even more cupboards and a pantry to boot. 1400 square feet of pure luxury.

The guest bedroom was in the back of the house and was bigger than our room here. A door to the backyard was in this room and we stepped out onto a huge deck - complete with hot tub. The yard was grass and MUCH larger than any of the other yards we'd seen, and it was the perfect place for Cody to run around. At this point I'm practically crying because I know in my heart that this is where I want to live.

We ventured upstairs where an open space loft greeted us before entering the master bedroom. It was the perfect place to set up an office and not have to use one of the bedrooms to do so. Patrick almost didn't let me in the master bedroom because he KNEW I'd start crying then. The room was spacious with two closets, a double sink vanity and the shower and toilet off on their own. There was even a linen closet, which we do not even have here. I could live in that bedroom and never emerge. Guests would have to come and visit me in my suite. It felt like I was in a dream.

We left there knowing that this was what we wanted, and offered $5K over the asking price -- which you have to do here if you want anything. Catherine enclosed a letter with our offer about how badly we wanted this home to be ours and tugged at their heartstrings by offering that we were a military family (the owners were too). We were the 5th contract at 8:00 last night and it seems as if we have pretty good shot, so this is where the prayers kick in. We know that God has a hand in this and everything happens according to His plan. If it was meant to be, it will happen. If not, we're okay with that.

I tossed and turned and barely slept a wink last night. I can hardly even shove breakfast down my throat because I'm nauseous just thinking about it. We should know something today, so until then I'll be the wreck sitting at her desk.

Praying hard...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Half Day

I can hardly keep up with this thing anymore. It seems that life has become even too busy to sit down and write.

The bosses at work gave Personal Lines each 1 half day off free, and today I'm using mine. Patrick took the day off so that we can spend it together. We're having lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise, then we're headed to look at a townhouse. After that we're hitting the gym, then Weight Watchers and then home to eat dinner. I love spending time with him even if it's running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

I've been working on a huge account at work, and by the sounds of it, I may get the deal. If I do, I will have contributed appx $20K to our bottom line this month alone! It's been a stressful couple of days getting everything together, and I'm not done yet. I'll use my whole morning to work on the rest of this. I hate doing sales and new business, but if I can keep getting clients like this, I don't mind it!

Patrick got his marks at work yesterday and they gave him two 7's (the highest you can receive)! He will get commendations to go in his record and the best part is that his spirits were totally uplifted by the fact that his boss really takes the time to evaluate people and not just write down a bunch of numbers. He has worked so hard and according to his superiors is "way beyond his pay grade". (Nice compliment, believe me!). So, we'll celebrate this weekend and have a great time.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This week started out promising and has continued to look up. On Monday, I was given my first raise at my job! My boss gave me nothing but praises and complimented me on my work ethic, my ability to start something and follow through, and the way I handle my clients. It was a great relief and much appreciated recognition. Gotta love more money!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Bring on the stress..

I am going to need to buy a case of Pepto and carry a bottle around with me constantly. Patrick and I decided that we are going to buy a house. We aren't the first people to buy a house, and we won't be the last, but holy cow...this is stressful. We have been preapproved for a mortgage and found out our credit has VASTLY improved over the last few years, which was a huge relief. We will not be overextending ourselves and relying on my salary to pay the mortgage, so we are going to stay a little cheaper than anticipated. I feel that's good because we can then use my money to make improvements and up the value of whatever we buy. The housing market is so hot down here that homes bought for $80K last year are now selling for $125K this year. We want to get in while the getting is good.

We're sticking with the condo/townhome idea and it seems to be working out well. Patrick has an appointment to see a place today while I'm at work. The sellers didn't want to show last night because they had just sat down for dinner. Understandable, but disappointing. As Sarah pointed out, they knew they'd sell the house in a snap either way so they can relax and turn some people down. 3 of the homes we were going to look at last night already had contracts on them. 1 had just been listed that day, and the other two were the day before.

I don't know how we're supposed to make a concious decision about a place if we can't "think" about it. The problem is if we like it, we gotta put an offer in that day. That's a little stressful to me, but if it will get us out of renting our stupid apartment, we'll make an offer.

Happy Friday!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Whole again...

Patrick FINALLY came home on Tuesday night. What a relief to hear him on the phone saying "You'd better be in Richmond at 6:04 tonight to pick me up!" -- and you bet your happy ass I was there with bells on. We both took the day off on Wednesday and spent it together hanging out. We got up and dropped the dog off for his bath, then drove to the college to drop off my various paperwork and applications for next semester, then we shopped and had lunch. It was a perfect day -- the only care we had was being with each other.

Despite the cold treatment of the admissions person at the college, I was ecstatic to have finally got the ball rolling on this. No one could have brought me down as I proudly handed over the explanation of my scholastic career (short as it was) because I finally took that step! Now, to just stay motivated all the way through...that will be the next accomplishment!

Tonight I had dinner with Jenn and Cassie at Applebee's and then we hauled ass to Garden Ridge in Chesapeake to find stuff for Jenn's room. It was nice to get out of the house, especially because Patrick had duty tonight. I'm sticking to WW hard right now because I gained back another pound and am scarily close to my goal weight again, so Applebee's was a great choice because of their WW menu! After the 1 point Carrot Cake I just ate, I am at my Points Target for today and am taking my butt to bed.

Sleeping weather should be nice since it's in the 50's this evening. Tomorrow we're headed to Virginia Beach for the Neptune Festival and the weather should continue to cooperate. I am so happy Fall finally decided to show her face in Hampton Roads.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Not Your Average Party Girl

This weekend has been pretty boring, despite my apparent breakdown on Friday (see below). I hit Wally World yesterday morning, bought crap & got the oil changed on my car. The Code-ster and I sat around watching Lifetime movies all day and on the commercials I'd run and clean out the closet. I feel much better having gotten it done especially because I've been procrastating for weeks. (I still have yet to file away all the paperwork in the office, but at least we know where it is). I got take out last night and spent another lonely evening with the dog. I think Cody is tired of me talking to him, because now he's just flat out ignoring me. I call his name and I swear he goes into the other room so as to avoid yet another one sided conversation with "crazy woman".

Today was a pretty productive day. The "Forty Days of Purpose" campaign started at church this morning, and I found myself there alone...but I did surprisingly well with it. I believe that there was a reason for Patrick to have been gone so that I would *have* to be faced with taking this first step on my own. I went because I wanted to and not because he wanted me to be there. Our small discussion group is comprised of 3 guys from the softball team that we already knew, so my comfort level automatically increased. I signed the contract to stay committed to this, and I will. I need to find the purpose of me being on this earth -- and I'm convinced it wasn't to sell insurance.

I finished the housework today and rewarded myself by going out to have sushi with Chris, Lindsay and Erin. It was great to get out of the house and have adult interaction...moreso, it was nice to have someone reciprocate the conversaion. Cody has not mastered the English language as yet. They talked about their night out on Friday and how everyone was "wasted". I'm glad I missed out on that one, to be honest.

I've never been a party girl, though I made a few half-assed attempts at it in college. I don't like losing control of my actions and my mouth because I felt like being drunk. I don't like having a hangover, wasting a whole day feeling sick and not being able to remember the night before. I feel like a three headed monster when all the people we know say "Oh man...I was so wasted last night" because I don't get it. Once in a great while, I'll get drunk...but I'm not out to do it every weekend, especially since I come from a long line of alcoholics. I mean, I'm talking Great Wall of China long. I refuse to be a recovering alcoholic someday, or worse...never be in recovery. So, I'll sit my happy ass at home and miss out on all the "fun" and be content with my life the way it is.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Ghost Whisperer

While aimlessly flipping through the channels tonight, I came across the tail end of the new show "The Ghost Whisperer" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. I have heard about this show in the previous weeks, but didn't count it to be one of the shows I'd be watching this season. However, between "Showgirls" and "Kill Reality", I figured this was a better way to spend a few minutes.

The basis of the show, apparently, is that Jennifer can speak to ghosts and relay their messages to those of us left behind. As I sat on my couch on the verge of tears, I wondered how simple life would be if there was really a way for someone to carry messages from the ones in our lives that we can no longer see or hear. I know that I can feel my Dad in my heart, but I would give anything to talk to him again. I would give anything to even listen to his ramblings about the government or how Clinton is still interfering even after he left office. There are so many things in my life that are so incomplete without him here, but how wonderful it would be for me to have a messenger who could relay his advice. Now that I think about it, I don't even know what I would tell him if I got the chance to have someone talk to him for me. The only thing I can come up with is how much I love him and miss him, and how empty we all are without him here. I don't think anything else matters.

I can still hardly believe that almost 4 years have gone by and the wounds are as deep now as they were that day. There are days that I sit here listening to his CD and I think that even 20 years from now I will be feeling like this. How do you recover from losing your Daddy? How do you get over the fact that he'll never be there to give you advice again? How can you face the monumental moments in your life without him there to cheer you on?? Sometimes I still wonder why God felt his time here was done, because I still need him, damned. Even now...4 damn years later...I still need him. I know it's selfish and I should be way past this now, but FUCK! Nothing has been the same since he left -- and it's not fair. It's not fair that my brother has grown up in the most important years of his life without his father. It's not fair that he'll graduate high school this year and not have his Dad in the audience cheering him on. It's not fair that my sister will not have her father to walk her down the aisle on the day she gets married. It's not fair that my Mother is an experienced widow at 48 and the man she loved the most in her life was ripped away from her. It's not fair that my kids will never know their grandfather.

And all I can think of at this moment is that HE was the one who taught me that life isn't ironic.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Here we are - another Monday. Why is it that when Patrick is home, the weekends fly by so fast, but when he's away they drag on forever? I tried to keep myself busy this weekend and managed to succed, but time still dragged on.

Friday I spent the evening at home with the dog. We rented movies and curled up on the couch all night. Saturday, Vanessa invited Cody and me to a football game. Despite the 100+ degree weather, it was fun to be out. Cody loved the kids and thought they were all put on this earth to pet and love him. Saturday night, Jenn and I had a "Our Men Are Gone" girls date. Had Italian at Carrabba's and saw "Just Like Heaven". Sunday was church and Jason & Angela invited Cody and myself over for dinner -- which turned out to be a PRE-Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters...the works! It was great!

Patrick reports that he's not doing much down in the Gulf Coast, which is disappointing because I know how much he wanted to get down there and help; however, they are using him sparingly, which creates a lot of free time for him. My thoughts are if he's got nothing to do down there, send him home -- which he agrees with. It really is pointless for him to be there when all he's doing is working 6 hours a day, seeing maybe 2 patients during that time, and the rest of his day is spent reading his book. No one prepared him for this time spent down there, and we're both starting to get aggitated.

I walked into a wall of heat this afternoon when I got home from work. The air conditioner broke and was blowing hot air into the apartment. Since they close the office about the same time I get home, I couldn't get maintenance up here to fix it. So, Cody and I will be forced to sleep on top of the covers and we'll have to listen to the sounds of the crickets -- which just about kills me.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Patrick left yesterday morning out of Richmond to get to Mobile, Alabama. As anticipated, it was very last minute; however, we never thought they would send him out while we were on a Hurricane Watch. We escaped the wratch of Ophelia, thankfully, so it wasn't as traumatic as I thought.

Patrick arrived safely in Mobile with basically no direction on what was going on. They told him he'd find everything out when he got there, but the only thing he knew as of last night was where he'd be staying. He finds out early this morning whether they are moving him or James to a Port Security Unit in Gulfport. So, one of them is going and the other is staying in Mobile. The orders drawn up are for 30 days, and while we were told that it could be shorter than that, we are *not* counting on it.

It must've been announced at work as to why I wasn't there yesterday morning because everyone came over to ask how I was doing. Then some made comments like "Well, you all needed a break from each other anyway, right?". Um, no. See, besides the fact that he just got back from being in California, I actually *like* being with my husband. Shocker, I know, but I married him because I wanted to spend my life with him - not be away from him. We've spent half of this marriage apart and suffice it to say, I don't enjoy him being gone in the least.

In other "news", last night I proudly sat in the chair at the nail salon and had my acrylic nails removed -- and for the first time in 8 years, my nails were NEKKID! It hurt like a mother effer, but I am glad to have had it done.

This weekend, I'll be hitting up the mall for some retail therapy, and having a girls night with Jenn and some friends. Gotta keep busy on the weekends so time flies by.

Monday, September 12, 2005

And so it goes...

I just get him back, and now I've learned that Patrick will leave as early as tomorrow to help with the Katrina relief efforts for the next 2+ weeks. We're on stand-by to hear when he's going, but it'll pretty much be last
minute anyway. He'll get the "Go home and get your stuff" message and then he'll be gone. It's open ended, and we have no idea when he's coming home, so this should be fun. (Insert sarcasam here).

Lindsay tells me that Chris and Angela are down there and go everywhere with an armed guard, and are wearing bulletproof vests. I don't know if that was supposed to make me feel better or not. Somehow, it doesn't.

The Coast Guard Spouse motto: Semper Gumby - Always Flexible.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Alas, Friday is *finally* here. This has felt like the longest, short work week of my life. Yesterday was so bad that I ended up crying at my desk after the 85th phone call with one certain client. I am broken and beaten, my heart and soul can't take this line of work anymore. If that's not a good enough reason to get my degree, I don't know what is.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Life Changes...

This week, I've had the opportunity to sit by myself and reflect on my life a little bit. While on the phone with Tanya the other night, I actually listened to the, EXCUSES...coming out of my mouth as to why I haven't finished my Bachelor's yet. The next day, I dragged myself into work to do a job I don't like. It was then that I realized I didn't *have* to have a job that I have to drag myself to. If I took control of my life, went and got my degree and did something I enjoyed, I would be happier all the way around.

I am ashamed to say that I wasted 2 years in college, trying too hard to be a girlfriend and not a student. No one is to blame but myself. And now, eight years after I started my first college class, I'm ready to be the student I never was.

I will be attending Thomas Nelson Community College to "fix" my mistakes at Eastern and will then transfer to Christoper Newport University next fall to get a degree in Social Work. I know in my heart that this is my calling, and I believe that this what God intended for me to be doing with my life. It will be a long road ahead of full time work and part time school, but I have a supportive husband who will do anything to help me get to where I want to be. Without him, I don't know where I'd be right now.

I have to turn all of my Michigan ties over to Virginia, including my license, in order to get the In State tuition (savings of $160 per credit hour alone at the community college)...but I will always be a Michigander, and never a Southerner! I have appointments with college admissions people to make sure I do this effeciently, and not take the long road! Soon, I will be a student again.

I feel a great weight lifted from my shoulders. I've always been ashamed that I never finished my degree, and I don't have to feel that way anymore. And now that I've put it out there for others to read...there's no going back on it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

1 Year Ago Today...

On September 6, 2004, I stood in line with 250 other people for a chance to win a car. In a million years, I never dreamed that I would be the one who would drive off with a brand spanking new car, but somehow dreams come true!

After picking a CD off a table, and having 129 people try ahead of me, I placed my chosen CD in the player and waited to hear if I was the winner. The same upbeat music that had played 129 times before played for me saying "101.7 The Beach's 101 Days of Summer contest" naming sponsors and the like. Then, the music was silent, and on the CD you heard the car trying to start...trying to start again...and then the engine revved!!!! I looked to my right and the DJ's eyes were as big as saucers as he said "YOU WON!!". No FREAKING WAY did I just win a CAR!!!!

I cried and cried with my friends standing around me, my heart was pounding and I could barely breathe. I was the owner of a brand new 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe, and I didn't have a damn car payment!

As long as I live, I will never forget that day. I drive that car around even now, a year later, and still can't believe I had the luck to win. The newspaper clippings hang on the fridge and I never let a day go by without thanking God for blessing us when we needed it!

I WON A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Long weekend...

I finally forced myself away from the Katrina coverage and treated myself to trashy TV all weekend. I feel a little more human after watching "Dirty Dancing" and some MTV trash reality shows. Mindnumbing TV can have a positive effect when you're caught in a rut and don't want to think, or cry, anymore.

I dropped Patrick off at the airport a few hours ago and will be counting the days until I go back to get him. 5 to be exact. I said to him over and over again that this tour is going to ruin me because having him home every night is *not* what our life will be like for the rest of our career. I was proud that I didn't cry as he walked away, but I'm still lonely already. Thank God for the housework and gossip magazines that will occupy my time; however, Saturday can't get here soon enough.

Mom tells me that something is wrong with Sarah and she won't tell her what it is. She thinks that there may be a problem with Dorian again, but Sarah won't open up. I've tried to call her again today, but she didn't answer. I hope she'll talk to me about whatever it is that's going on with her. I worry about her all the time and hate that she's not more open with me, like we used to be. Hopefully, everything is alright.

The rest of my 3 day weekend (all 9 hours of it) will be spent cleaning and doing some much needed projects around here. The windows are open in the apartment to let the much needed nice breezes in. I can't wait for fall. :)

Friday, September 02, 2005


In all my years of living on this earth I never thought I would see a worse tragedy than September 11, 2001 on our own soil. This last week has proved that theory wrong.

My emotions are running high and my sadness for this situation has weakened my faith in the human race. The men and women trying to control an out of control situation are the only ones I do put my faith in right now. God bless the Coast Guard, the National Guard, the medical workers, and the other branches of our military who are fighting to help our own citizens...including Patrick, who will be there when his school is over.

Heaven help those who turn to violence and destruction in a time despair and need, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Hurricane Katrina - August 29, 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


We are now "officially" married for "over 5 years" since this weekend has past. Baltimore was amazing, but it wasn't just the city itself. We had a fantastic time relaxing and not worrying about a thing in the world. We got massages on Friday, sat in the hot tub at the hotel and went to dinner at Legal Sea Foods. What a way to celebrate an anniversary. There is no one in this world that I would rather spend my time with than that handsome man right there.

I wish life was as uncomplicated everyday as it was this past weekend. We stayed up late, slept in, ate where we wanted to, shopped without thinking about money (well, a twinge inside me did!), we had NO real plans and just winged it.

We're back to reality since Monday, but I wish the weekend could have lasted forever. The good part is, that everyday with Patrick is just as wonderful even if we're sitting at home on the couch.

Friday, August 26, 2005

5 YEARS!!!!

"For hearing my thoughts, understanding my dreams, and for being my best friend. For filling my life with joy, and loving me without end...I do."

Christmas 2001

June 2002

Cruise 2004

Boston 2004

December 2004

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blast from the past...

While in the middle of my morning routine on Tuesday, Mom called me to inform me that she had received a message for me on her machine the night before. I wondered to myself who in the heck would be calling my Mom for me, seeing as how it's been 5 years since I lived there. She says "It was Korynne, and she'd like to get in touch with you." Talk about a blast from the past. I hadn't heard that name in about 7 or 8 years.

I finally had the opportunity to call her last night and we had a brief, yet informative conversation. Turns out we both work in Insurance; however, she has her Life & Health and is going for her P&C, and I have my P&C. While she doesn't keep in touch with anyone from high school, she is still friends with Geneise. I told her the only people I've kept in decent contact from school were Brian and Maria at this point. She brought up Cindy and said she had spoken to her a few years back, but lost touch just as quickly as they got together. I told her I had spoken with her about 6 years ago, but the same happened to me.

It was nice to catch up with her, and she sounded happy. She was surprised to hear that I was married, and asked the inevetiable "So, do you have any kids?". She was busy helping friends, so she said she would call back another time.

Today, we have a meeting with the claims supervisor at Travelers and then they're taking us out to lunch. I *love* being the person Marketing Reps try to cater to, I end up getting a ton of free stuff from them. :) Makes work worthwhile. Tomorrow we leave for Baltimore and it will be a much needed break from reality. Can't wait to get there and relax with my favorite man.

Me and my favorite little girl on Sunday:

Monday, August 22, 2005

Still tired...

I was half tempted to turn off my alarm and call in this morning so that I could sleep a little longer and spend the day by the pool. However, I have this stupid thing called a conscience that would never allow me to do that without reason.

The weekend was nice. Nothing exciting to report. We had BBQ'd pizza on Friday and went shopping for Diddy's new clothes with his birfday gift card. I was extremely excited that I tried on, fit into comfortably, and bought my first pair of size 4 jeans. Sarah swears I wore a size 4 in high school, but chose to be frumpy and wear clothes 3 sizes too big for me. Did I mention that I love the Gap?

Saturday night was date night. We had Patricks BBQ'd ribs, which I swear somehow is an afrodesiac cause they're that damn good, and went to see "Four Brothers". Doug highly recommended this movie, and I can honestly say that he did NOT let us down. It was the BEST movie I have seen in a *very* long time. I now consider it to be one of my favorites. I have not held my breath so much during a movie in my entire life. It was truly great.

Yesterday I went out to the mall and had dinner with Diddy at the clinic since he was on duty. I hate being in this house alone at night. In East Hampton, there is no crime, etc, so it was easy there. Here, I swear people are trying to break in at night. I may need to take sleeping pills when he's gone now or I'm never going to sleep.

Back to the grindstone. Happy Monday...

Friday, August 19, 2005

ESP - or something...

Is it possible that after being together so long, you and your significant other can actually read each others minds?

The other night we were sitting on the couch after I had the best day and Patrick had the worst. We had just finished eating BBQ'd chicken, and the only way I could think to celebrate/make a bad day good was going to Cold Stone for some ice cream. Just as that thought crossed my mind, Patrick says "You wanna go to Cold Stone to celebrate?". Coincidence? Maybe.

Yesterday, Jacob FINALLY sends me pictures from their wedding. I forward them along to Diddy (Patrick PDiddy, not Sean "PuffDaddyPDiddyDiddy") so he could see. When I get home from work I asked if he had seen them, he looked shyly up at me and said "Yes, and there's something I have to tell you. I've already seen them before." I immediately get all defensive and say "I can't believe you kept those from me". He says "There's a reason. I've been working on a scrapbook for you for our anniversary". Wh-wh-what? I move from defensive mode to instant laughter because I have been working on a scrapbook for him, too. Seems as though he had the same idea at around the same time I did, and he was getting all the pictures from our friends and relatives. I showed him the receipt of the scrapbook kit I bought and told him how I spent hours going through our pictures, picking them out and putting them in sequencial order.

We got quite a laugh out of the situation, and it made us think that "somehow" we were able to read each others minds after 5 years (next Friday) of marriage. Maria recently wrote about people being psychic, and from recent events (hers and mine) I gotta believe it's somehow true.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

So, yesterday I had just about the best day in a long while. Actually, it was the biggest day of my professional career, to be exact. I had been working on a Collector Auto policy for a guy who has mega-money and some *pretty* nice cars to insure. (The words "pretty nice" are an understatement...perhaps the understatement of the year). He called yesterday to tell me that he would be taking the proposal I'd worked up for him, and thanked me for all of my hard work and excellent efforts to get this done for him. The premium for this policy is $10,000...the biggest sale that Personal Lines has had in a very long time! WOO HOO! Too bad we're on the Growth Bonus Pool now because I would have gotten a spectactular commission check for this one!

On Monday, we went to Captain George's with Ryan, Shannon and McKynzi and much to our dismay, because of our diets our stomachs shrunk and we were unable to stuff ourselves with crablegs like before. This doesn't mean to say that we didn't end up sick because of all the food we did just wasn't up to our usual par. A good time was had by all, and I just *adore* that little girl. She was so big sitting there in her high chair, she swore for a few minutes that she was an adult like the rest of us.

Our exciting life takes us to the grocery store tonight, and it's a good thing since we're in need of food in this place. This weekend will be spent at Water Country and possibly by the pool since Patrick has duty on Sunday. The weather has finally started to cool off, which is a major relief. I can't wait for fall around here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

We had such a good time at home for our *very short* visit. Everyone at work kept asking me if it was worth it to drive over 20 hours in 3 days just to see family...and my answer is always yes. There's something about spending time with the people who've known you the longest, and love the dearest, that rejuvenates you. Nothing compares to seeing how excited my Mom gets when we pull up after that long drive.

I *love* spending time with Sarah and Doug. I am often reminded of how awful I was to have as a big sister growing up, but somehow all is forgiven now. My sister is so drop dead gorgeous that she makes you stop in your tracks. My brother is SO good looking it's scary. Both have grown into wonderful adults, despite my efforts to torture them as kids.

On a sad note, our new friends Jason and Angela called yesterday to ask if we could keep their German Shepard for the next couple of weeks because Angela's dad died unexpectedly. The similarities of her situation and mine are eerie. They *just* moved here a few weeks ago, and she just started her new job when she found out. It's a mirror image of me almost 4 years ago. It brought back so many memories, and I wish this kind of pain on no one. All I could tell her was that I was here for her if she needed anything, because I KNOW that no one wants to hear anything else during those moments. I just pray that they get to Texas safely, and that she has the same type of support system we had when we lost Dad. Your friends and family make the biggest difference when it comes to getting through the worst tragedies of your life.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pictures from home...

The Labadie Kids


Our nephew Cameron

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bear Hugs...

Every morning, the first alarm goes off in our house at 5:42, alerting Patrick to get up. What the routine has been for 5 years is that I am the one who controls the alarm clock and snooze, and I am the one who forces him out of bed. I am always able to fall back asleep until my alarm goes off at 6:20, but the excitement of coming home tomorrow has got me all wound up and I couldn't fall back asleep.

Patrick and I now have a routine in the morning that is a tremendous help during the day. We stand in the middle of the room and "Bear Hug" before he leaves for work. In that moment I am relaxed and protected, and nothing in the world seems that bad. When things get rough at work, I think back to those few moments in his arms and my problems fade away. I highly recommend a "Bear Hug" to start off your day. Even if things aren't that rough and you are content with life, there's a feeling in it that no normal morning routine can compare to.

Tonight is the Kenny Chesney/Gretchen Wilson concert. I paid a pretty penny for these tickets and all that matters is that Patrick is super excited about it. I could maybe sing ONE Kenny Chesney song, but that doesn't matter. (He's got paybacks coming since this is my 3rd Country concert in 3 months.:) ) We're going tonight with the Dawsons and Shannon's sister Jaimie. It should be a lot of fun. I am so thankful that the Dawsons are back in our lives. We have had our rough moments in the last few years, but being able to overcome that is a testiment to the fact that we were destined to be friends. Nothing is better than being able to sit around with your friends and talk about life and laugh outloud.

We are all packed and ready to hit the road first thing tomorrow morning. I can't wait to get home and see my family. Even thought it's only for a few short days, it's enough to rejuvenate a person.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Despite my efforts to try and make the most out of yesterday, it turned out to be a bust. However, I shook my mood off on the commute home by screaming some Limp Bizkit in the car and by the time I pulled into the parking lot I felt a lot better.

Last night we had dinner with the Dawsons at their apartment. I walked into this high ceiling, large room apartment and a twinge of jealousy came over me. :) Not that there's anything wrong with our place, but there's was just nicer. It felt like a "home" -- and that's possibly because of the fact that they have the cutest baby living there with them.

Motherhood has got to be the most rewarding thing to ever happen to a person. I saw the way that baby looked at her Mom and I saw the way she smiled at her, and it made my heart melt. Being a Mom is the single most important job in the world. There is no benefit package or pay scale that could even compare to watching your child grow.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Cloud...

As expected, yesterday was a horrible day. 2 of us to do 5 people's jobs. My phone rang off the hook, and it seemed as if the second I would get up out of my chair to do something there was some sort of sensor that would go off alerting everyone that it was at that exact moment that they needed to call me. I could barely get my ass to the bathroom.

Then, I came home to call Mom to discuss our arrival on Friday, thinking this might bring me out of my funk, and we end up in a fight. I even threatened not to come home if she didn't stop taking HER bad day out on me. Real mature. How old am I? 3??

So, I go to make dinner because Patrick was playing golf and lo and behold - we have no flour, a key ingredient in Buffalo Chicken Bites. You would have thought the world had stopped turning as I made my way to the store half in tears.

The worst part of it all is that I took it out on Patrick. I am an over emotional mess these last few days. I don't know WHAT my problem is. I can't seem to shake this cloud I'm under. I managed to make a mountain out of a molehill while we were reading last night, and ended up making HIM feel like shit...which made ME feel worse. It's a never ending cycle with me.

I need to get out of this mud, and I need to do it now. I have to find a way to turn things around or I'm going to end up going nutty. Patrick doesn't deserve this and neither do I.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Monday, Monday...

I am oh so excited that it's Monday...can't you hear it in my voice? This week is going to be rough for several reasons:

1) Patty is gone all week on vacation. Her clients are pains in the asses to deal with because she lets them get away with ANYTHING.
2) Vanessa is also gone today, which leaves San and myself to run our department. 3) The new guy starts today and we really have no way to start training him.
4) There are only 4 days and a wake up till we go home!

I've prayed and prayed that the days go by fast and Friday comes light lightening.

This weekend was fun. We went to Coast Guard Day at the Training Center on Saturday. It was hot and sticky, but the food was good and we made new it wasn't all bad. We also played in the Sand Volley Ball Tournament. We got a bye into the second round and then got our asses handed to us...but that was to be expected. I told Patrick that I had never played 2-man before, but I ran my ass off trying to get whatever I could. It was fun, and Patrick promised we would practice beforehand next time.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Back in action...

Technology is a wonderful thing. Circuit City was having a sale on Digital Cameras, and since I've been without one since March, we bought one. They were only on sale online, so I figured we'd have to have it shipped. (Mind you, we lived in "No Mans Land" in The Hamptons for 3 years, nothing was close or convenient). Much to my surprise, they had In Store Pick Up! I purchased my camera at 9:40 pm, got in the car and drove 3 miles to Circuit City to pick it up! Now, I'm back in action...and who do you think my first pictures were of?

You can't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Growing up...

Yesterday, I got one of the best surprises a person could ever get. While emailing plans to Tonya about our upcoming visit, her response had a little more than I was expecting...

Here's a message typed from Jac: .... HI LEAH. I MISS YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YUO...LUV YUO. JAC

And right there, at my desk at work, my eyes swelled with tears and I started to cry. I promptly printed the email and taped it to my wall, with the words highlighted so they will always catch my eye when I need them to.

Just as soon as life seems to be taking a faster rotation as I get older, I'm slammed with the beautiful joy of realizing that the babies I spent my days with for years are now little people. All of the sudden, life seems faster than before, but with a wonderful twist.

I remember Jac learning to walk, and how we'd call him a "Drunken Sailor" because every step had an uneasy lean to it...with the eventual face-first spill at the end. I remember taking him outside to play and the fact that he detested blades of grass touching his skin, so as soon as I'd put him down he'd begin to scream. I remember his jibberish and how much I loved how we would carry on conversations in his "language".

I will never forget walking into Providence Hospital with Jac the day after Brendan was born, and him saying "Where's my baby brov-er??". My heart melted at that moment because I now had two little ones in my life who would change me forever. Jac was such a trooper when things got hectic with Brendan being a baby, and he would *always* help me with bottles or cleaning up his toys. He was born to be the Big Brother.

Brendan was an amazing baby, and he tugged at my heart strings with every smile. While I only got to spend the first year of his life with him, every day was worth it to me. I would feed him on the couch, my arm propped up by a pillow, and I'd stare at him, just knowing that this kid would be something some day. I remember when I saw his first tooth, and when he took his first steps. To be there for those moments is a gift that I will never take for granted.

What means most to me in this world is that almost 4 years after leaving home, these children STILL know who I am. They are STILL a part of my life even though I'm across the country. I can never repay Tonya & Jeff for that, and I don't know if they'll ever know how deeply that has affected me. These people have become our family in every sense of the word. They love us as much as we love them, and I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see them.

If God doesn't have plans for us to be parents, I can know in my soul that those kids love me as much as they can...and for me that's enough. To have been a part of their lives changed me forever, and nothing can take that away.

Jac & Leah - May 2003

Leah & Brendan - May 2003

Monday, August 01, 2005

And the countdown begins!


Tminus 11 days and counting. It's a short weekend trip, but home to Michigan nonetheless. We will leave the hot, humid state of Virginia on Friday August 12th and drive straight through to Michigan...only to turn around and come back on Sunday August 14th. At least we'll have Saturday! Patrick's birfday will be stuck in the car, but at least he'll get to see his Momma on his birfday!

Man, the dog is gonna be pissed when he finds out he's not coming! :)

The Dating Game...

So, Mom went on a date yesterday. She was introduced to "Boring Man" by friends of hers. I call him "Boring Man" because that's what he is, apparently. I have taken to only referring to her dates by title and not names, and it's become quite funny. There was "I Lied About Being Married Man", and "Way Too Much Baggage Man", oh, and who can forget "Lumberjack Cat Man" - the man who worked at the lumber store and had 6 cats. Seriously. Sometimes I don't know where she meets these people.

When she was introduced to "Boring Man", she already decided that it wasn't going to work. He asked her out and she reluctantly said yes. I begged her to just give the man a chance before she wrote him off. During their date, he talked endlessly about the things he wanted to talk about, only asking about her life once or twice. When she saw a Coast Guard station she eagerly said "My Son-in-law is in the Coast Guard!", obviously thinking this might strike up some conversation about her life, to which he replied "Oh, nice".

She said he asked her out again and she could hear me screaming in her head to "give him a chance", so she said yes, reluctantly. She has managed to totally misconstrue my advice in this situation. Her time is precious and she has very little of it, considering she works 3 jobs, she doesn't need to waste her time on men that don't do anything for her.

I told her that I want her to marry Mike from work. Mike is a lawyer and he basically runs the court she works at. He has been around our family for many years and is the most kind, wonderful, thoughtful man. He's a true gentleman. However, Mike is married. He's been miserable for years, and his wife is pretty much an ogre, but that doesn't make him any less married. So, I will pray that Mike comes to his senses, divorces that wife of his, and marries my Mom. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

After listening to my Mom's dating disasters, it makes me even more thankful to be so happily married. You couldn't PAY me enough money to be trying to date at this point in my life. It's very rough out there, but I know that some day she'll find a man who makes her almost as happy as my Daddy did.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

My Boys...

Playing house...

I think I may be alone in this thought, but I love a good rainy weekend every once in a while. We've been out and about so much every other weekend, and it's nice to have nothing to do but stay cuddled on the couch. It's also a nice break from the swealtering heat of the "South" as of late.

Despite a rocky end to our Friday night fun, we've had a nice weekend. Jillian's was fun, although it's been decided that it's definitely NO Gameworks. The new extern at the clinic came along and she was very nice. I offered to drag her shopping with me whenever she'd like, and she jumped at the chance. She's here and pretty much all alone for the next 9 weeks, and I can commiserate with being far away from everything and having no one to hang out with.

Yesterday was pretty lazy besides some errand running. We rented "Million Dollar Baby" and made Chicken Parmesan for dinner. I must say that I *love* playing house. I know that tecnically we aren't "playing house" since we're married and living together, but I know that this lifestyle won't last and the CG will seperate us to me it's playing house for the time being. The weekends are satisfying just sitting here with Patrick, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, playing Scrabble. It's scary how life changes your priorities, and it's even scarier how much you take simple things for granted until you're faced with having to spend half of your time alone. Don't get me wrong, coming home to the dog was nice, but it's even better to have my sexy man to come home to every night.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Today is Friday and it couldn't have come soon enough. Even though we are without San again today, I'm going to keep my head up and try to get through it because tonight we're headed to Jillian's for dinner and games with, apparently, a ton of people. My little idea of Patrick and I going there for a date night turned into all of the Clinic coming as well. It's great, though, cause I'm excited to release a little tension and have a good time. Just wish I had a camera to bring!

I had a little taste of the past last night while relaxing on the couch. Because I forgot to pick up my pills on Monday, I had to wait until Tuesday morning to take them. I thought I would be fine because it was only a matter being of a few hours late. Well, I was wrong. The lack of hormones finally caught up with me, leaving me curled in the fetal position on the couch, praying for my uterus to shrivel up. At that point I remembered what my life was like before this treatment, and became thankful for the hormones that have kept the pain at bay for a year and a half. I have become a slave to those pills, apparently. Life without them is a terrifying thought.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Last night we went to Hooters for dinner with The Dawson Family. I realize that some might think that going to Hooters is "tacky", but apparently it's quite the family restaurant around here. Plus, they had All You Can Eat Wings night last night and I was craving wings like crazy. :)

McKynzi is such a good baby, and she's so much fun to be around. It was so damn hot in the restaurant last night and I felt so bad for her, but I think she handled it with grace. Not to mention the fact that she's got excellent parents. You see your friends in a whole new light when they become parents. Sort of a new found respect, if you will. Shannon was a natural with that child, and Ryan exuded being in love with both of them. I couldn't be more proud of them.

Shannon said that she had decided to be a Stay At Home Mom because when McKynzi smiles at her it makes her whole day better. I think it's a fabulous idea because NOTHING anyone could pay you would be worth missing that smile all day. I think being a Mom is probably so much more rewarding than writing someone's insurance. I pray that God will bless us with the opportunity to find out.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


It was a year ago today that Jenny died, and I still can't believe she's been gone all this time. It's so hard to fathom someone so young being here one minute and gone the next, and although it's starting to be a pattern in my life, it never gets any easier to deal with.

Jenny was a fun, vibrant, intelligent and stubborn person. She loved kids, even though she couldn't have her own, and would get down on the floor and play with the ones who came to visit work. She was so full of life. She loved to shop, and we would often talk of our addiction to being "Product Whores" because we had to try EVERYTHING on the shelves. Something to make our hair more full, the newest foundation to even out skin tone, the latest lotion with the shimmer to enhance your summer tan...we always tried new stuff and would let the other one in on the action.

I will never forget the day she died and how I found out. All alone in the office, covering the phones for Jess while she was at lunch, and Mr. Zimmerman called to speak to one of the bosses. After discovering no one was in, he said "Do you all know that Jenny Miller died this morning?" and of course we didn't. I was the first to find out and I had a wave of panic over me that I hadn't felt since I found out Dad died. Just then, Jimmy and Alex came in and pulled me aside. Jenny had died that morning of a heart attack at 34.

I remember watching Ben at the funeral and praying for him, and then praying that I never felt what he was feeling at that moment. I couldn't control the tears as he said goodbye to his wife. That is something I never want to do. The thought alone terrifies me, and this man has actually lived it.

I will always remember Jenny for the funloving, tough as nails, smart person she was. I miss her all the time. Lunch was never the same after she was gone, and she left a hole in all of our hearts when she left.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Weight Watchers...

Is it Monday already? I wish that the weekends went by as slow as the work week does, because there never seems to be enough time to recouperate for the next work week.

After another relaxing day at Water Country, we came home and BBQ'ed steaks and made a great salad for dinner. I am so proud of Patrick and the choices he's making food wise. I knew once I got him hooked on WW he'd never be the same. To hear him come out with, "Well, we could just grill the steak and split it over a salad" was enough to knock me off my rocker. Steak was the man's weakness, his Kryptonite, but now he knows it's not healthy to eat a whole one twice a week! :) His 24 pound weight loss since getting here is so admirable. I couldn't be more proud. All I wanted in this world was for him to take better care of himself, especially because he even admitted to me that he was following the pattern his own father set and I REFUSE to be a young widow like his mother when there's something we can do to help prevent it.

After weigh in on Thursday, I am OFFICIALLY down 50 pounds since 4 years ago and now the lowest weight I've been since high school. It must be the humidity down here, cause I haven't even been trying to lose and I have lost 6 pounds in just a few weeks. Now, if I could drag my lazy ass out of bed and get back to the gym I'd be ecstatic, but we can't always do it all, right?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Just rambling...

Since Patrick found out yesterday at 2 that he had duty today, I'm here trying to figure out my day. I think I may pamper myself after a long week of work and get a pedicure this morning. Okay, now I'm drooling.

We went out to dinner last night and then went to Patrick's softball game. While waiting there for his 8:30 game to start it began to thunderstorm. So, before his game even got going they called it. We decided to hit the movies since they were up the road, and we saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". What an AWESOME flick! I enjoyed the original but this one blew it away. Even Patrick, who considers the original his favorite movie, came away loving this one more.

While waiting for the game to be called last night, I was talking with Lyrch from Patrick's team (his self proclaimed nickname) about our upcoming anniversary. He said "Hey, good luck with the 5th year, it's rough." I asked him what he meant and he responded by saying in his psychology class they did a study of 4500 couples and asked what were the lows of their marriage. According to their survey/study, the lows in marriage are the 1st Anniversary, the 3rd, the 5th, the 7th, the 10th and the 15th. I found this statement to be very strange because we believe anniversaries are for celebrating, so why would they be the low points? I challenged him by saying the first two years were rough, but that was because of outside forces and not because we were unhappy. After our first anniversary (I'm talking two days) he left for 8 weeks for boot camp, where we couldn't even talk to each other. Less than a month after we left our friends and family my Dad died suddenly and we were left to try and deal with that. 6 months after that I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and put into MENOPAUSE for 6 months at 23 years old. However, that which does not kill us makes us stronger. I don't believe the bullshit that marriage isn't fun or it eventually kills a relationship. Our circumstances are different, but I *love* being married and wouldn't change what we've been through for anything in the world.

To close today, I need to scream for a second about telemarketers/bill collectors who STILL do not know that Crystal Roser doesn't have this phone number anymore. We've been here for 7 months and STILL the phone rings and it's for her. This morning was the day to sleep in and some idiot asshole calls at 8 AM! Followed by another at 9. Frank Roser's parole officer STILL doesn't get that he doesn't have this number. COME ON PEOPLE! Sheesh. Okay, I'm done.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Calling for his head...

Yesterday on the morning show I listen to they reported an incident that happened in Va Beach on Wednesday afternoon. A father was coming out of a store with his baby in the carrier, he set the baby on top of the car while he got the keys out, got in the car and started to drive away with the baby on top of the car still. Strangers started yelling for him to stop and when he finally realized what they were yelling about he stopped the car, causing the seat to roll down the hood and off the car. The baby was hurt, but not badly.

So, the DJ starts going off because the police weren't going to press charges against the father. She starts screaming neglect, child endangerment, etc, and then asks for people to call in with their opinions. People were calling for this man to be arrested and put in jail for an accident he'll have to live with for the rest of his natural life. NOTHING anyone does to him will ever make him feel worse than he already does. This was an accident, plain and simple. While I realize that forgetting your child on top of your car is worse than forgetting, say, your purse or your coffee, why is it that we have to throw this person in jail?

This world is full of far worse people who deserve to be in jail than this poor father who his to live with this mistake for the rest of his life. Child molesters are back out on the street claiming to be rehabilitated only to rape, kill and molest again. Murders are let off because of technicalities in court.

What the hell is wrong with society that we'll call for this man's head because of an accident?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

If it were fun, it wouldn't be called work...

I went into work yesterday only to find out that San had been called out of town because her mother is very ill and we aren't sure how long she'll be gone. I have prayed hard that she gets better but I'm not sure what will happen. I didn't think that things at work could get any worse, but they officially have. Yesterday we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. Vanessa and I kept looking at each other and rolling our eyes. At one point, I got so flustered I swore I was going to walk out of the office and never come back.

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. Why do I go to a job that I hate? Day in and day out all I do is complain about work. I LOVE the people I work with and thank the Lord that they're there cause I would have left immediately if they weren't. I am so burnt out right now that I can't even drag my sorry arse out of bed to go to the gym. I don't want to go back to school in the fall because all I want to do is come home and relax after work. The thought of adding more stress to my already stressful day makes me want to vomit.

On a brighter note, there are things in my life that I have nothing to complain about. I have a wonderful husband, a great marriage, a supportive family and fantastic friends. There's a roof over my head, food to go in my mouth, money to buy things we want/need. Life is pretty damn good and I need to watch how much I complain because it could all change in an instant.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Happiness is...

Having a person to come home to who will stop at nothing to get you out of your funk.

Yesterday was another bad day at work and the commute home was terrible, so I was in an awful mood when I got home. While I was trying my hardest to mope and wallow in my day, Patrick made me dinner and dragged my sorry ass out of the house to cheer me up. He'll do anything to make me happy, and God only knows how much that means to me. We went to Heaven & Earth and got a couple of books to read together before bed. Mindless TV has always been okay with me, but it's got to stop. The best decision we made was to NOT put a TV in our room here. I love that we get ready for bed together, and lay there talking until we fall asleep. It's our time and I love having it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Stupid people shouldn't breed...

I didn't think I had anything to write about today, thus the Random Pics below. But then I remembered that I DID have something I wanted to get out that was practically killing me at work.

So, Lynda reported yesterday that Sonia (whom I refer to as "Pregnant Girl") had her baby this past weekend. You'd think I'd be happy, but I'm not. Sonia is the pregnant girl who blatently sits in front of the office 6-7 times a day SMOKING when she's OUT TO HERE pregnant. I realize that it's none of my business, but give me a break. She doesn't even try to hide it.

The report was that the baby was born 4 weeks early (although some have reservations that she lied about her due date) and that he was 5 pounds 3 oz. When the picture was shared, he looked smaller than that. About as big as the palm of her hand, but maybe I'm exaggerating.

I don't understand why IN TODAY'S WORLD, with all the knowledge we have, someone would continue smoking HEAVILY throughout their pregnancy. I'm not talking about the person who just can't seem to quit and still has one a day (even though I'm against that), I'm talking about this broad who went out for her 4 breaks to smoke in front of the building, smoked at lunch, smoked in her car before and after work. She also drinks Mt. Dew like it's going out of style, but that isn't as bad as trapping a baby in a smoke filled bubble for 9 months.

How is it that people like her can get pregnant 3 times, but Patrick and I are going to struggle to have a baby? We have accepted the fact that we might not be able to have kids, and that's what makes watching her do that to a helpless baby worse. I KNOW I wouldn't do those things to my body, or my baby, so why do I have to be the one who has problems? If I'm able to get pregnant it will be a blessing, and I pray that God has it in our paths to bring children into our lives, but I can't help but judge someone who knowingly, purposefully and willingly harms their children like that and then brags about how small her babies were when they were born.

Random pics

East Hampton Going Away Party - Ava & Me

The TC Boys

Cruise January 2004 - San Juan, PR

Monday, July 18, 2005

Holy Humidity, Batman...

Gotta love living in the "South". All weekend the temperatures were in the 105+ range with the humidity. The second you walk outside you're covered in sweat. I'm trying so hard not to complain, but really, it's damn hot out there. It's going to be another hot one again today, and Patrick has a softball game tonight. My water bill is going to skyrocket since we have to take 2 showers a day now!

This weekend was fun and relaxing. We rode the rides at Busch Gardens on Friday night, and Patrick made me ride in the front on every ride but "Apollo's Charriot". I screamed like a little bitch, too. I'll never admit it to him, but it was kind of fun even though it was terrifying! Saturday we were at Water Country again. I *love* that place. Who needs the beach when you've got the lazy river and the wave pool! After that, we were in White Stone for dinner with Ryan and Shannon, and I got to hold McKynzi for the first time. Good GOD, I love that baby! She is so sweet, and hugable. She just lit up when Patrick held her, too. Had to get through some BAD t-stroms to get there though. I love a t-storm, but these were crazy!

Tanya called on Saturday to tell me that Shane reported to them that Becky told him I called her and yelled at her for an hour the other night. (Sounds JUST like high school, right?). I felt like I had to defend myself because that is NOT what happened. I called Shane right away and told him I knew I didn't need to explain myself but that I didn't yell at Becky until she commented that WE had dropped her and that HE joined in on the party. I told him exactly how I felt, too. I told him that she is cold and uncaring and she's different than she was. I told him that I didn't want to be friends with this person because she just didn't care. He was fine with the situation and said that I had a realtionship with her outside of them, so it was my right to talk to her and find out what was going on. I just hope I didn't cause him any more strife than necessary.

On to work...another wonderful week ahead. (Insert sarcasm here).

Friday, July 15, 2005

Are You Delusional???

For some reason or another, one I haven't figured out just yet, I decided to call Becky on my commute home yesterday. I'd had a bad day at work, I was frustrated and I figured she wouldn't answer her phone anyway. So, I did it. Lo and behold, she answers. I remember that my cell phone has changed since the last time I called her, so I guess that's why she took the call.

I told her I wasn't sure why I was calling, but that I didn't want to fight. I told her I needed closure to this situation because I don't like to leave things unsaid. I explained that I didn't feel that I had done anything to deserve being ignored and eventually dropped. She began to say that her life just got "crazy" and her marriage was falling apart, and that caused her a lot of pain. I interrupted her to tell her that I had NO CLUE that she was going through this. She never included me in that portion of her life. She cut me out completely, so how was I to know what was happening? I was leaving 2-3 messages a week for her. I made myself MORE than available to her, but she chose to leave me out of that.

She explained that NO ONE knew what was happening. She didn't even tell her Mom what was going on with her marriage. I assured her that if I had known I would have done something to help, but she chose this path, not me. She went on to play the victim - poor Becky who's life fell out from underneath her. Funny that she was the one who did this to her husband and friends, but her life FELL OUT from underneath her.

She honestly believes that the messages I left her when I finally got upset were nasty. My first message was lighthearted and I only said I missed her and was worried about her -- and that I was starting to get upset, but that we promised we'd nip in before we let it get out of hand. The second message - a fuckin week later after no response - WASN'T EVEN nasty, but to the point. She felt as though I was "yelling at her". Give me a fuckin break.

At this point, I'm crying and telling her that we'd had 8 years of friendship and that if she wanted it to be over all she needed to do was tell me. She said our friendship was TOO HARD. She "always" said the wrong things to me. I reminded her that she made ONE comment that hurt my feelings, but I thought we had worked through it. She said that our friendship had been difficult for years - I said it was news to me.

I then asked her if she could leave this friendship knowing she had done the right thing. Her response was a flat out "Yes". I asked her if she really believed she handled this maturely. Her response was a flat out "Yes". I told her I didn't agree. She didn't return my calls for months and when I let her know that I was starting to get upset (and gave her the fucking chance to help make it right) she ignored me. She went on and on about how her life fell out from underneath her. How things were so bad with Shane, and she didn't know it till the end. How she didn't want to tell anyone because she was ashamed.

Then she said "My friends just dropped me like I was nothing. The 4 of you just chose to leave me out". WHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTT????!!!!?????? I struggled for a minute with how to handle that statement. I thought, for a quick second, that I would just let her talk and think that. Then I remembered that this is how she turns everything around on everyone else and I didn't want to enable her to keep that going. I said "Did you just say that WE left YOU out?" And she responded "Yes, my life changed and you guys abandoned me." ?????? I said "Didn't you just SAY that NO ONE KNEW what was going on in your life? So HOW did we abandon you when we were the ones who kept trying with NOTHING from you??" She says "I had to start over with new friends who cared about me." (And she was serious when she was saying this). My response to her was "ARE YOU DELUSIONAL??"

That ended the call quickly, but at that point I KNEW there was no saving this friendship. The person I was talking to was cold, callus and uncaring. Even through my tears I could hear that she wholeheartedly thinks that she's the victim in this situation. She isn't the person I was friends with for 8 years. This person is different. This person doesn't deserve friends like Tanya and me.

I will ALWAYS own up to my mistakes and take responsiblity for my actions because that is what adults do. However, I did all I could in this situation and can walk away knowing that I didn't do anything wrong.

Hope she has a nice life.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Is it Friday yet?

I am hoping that today flies by rather quickly. It's not that work is going that bad or anything, but you can cut the tension with a knife and it's starting to tick me off. Everyone has their own ideas of how to do everyone elses job. Frustration levels are running high and when you have 5 bull-headed women in one place, there's bound to be some snapping and hurt feelings.

I am trying to be consistent with my job and how I feel. I sometimes think I'm stuck in the middle because I can see the other AM's feel, but also how the QM is dealing with it all. I discussed with Marti (QM) yesterday that I *don't* always feel overwhelmed like others do and it's because I do my job, do it right, and don't waste time while doing it. So sue me if it gives me extra time, but don't snap at me because your work day is spent in other ways.

Tonight, I'm going to relax on the couch with my honey and try to forget about it. I just have to get through being there a full day without pulling my hair out of my head.